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Dominica Geothermal Development Company Limited is committed to providing transparency through its processes during and after project completion and endeavours to achieve total stakeholder satisfaction

What is Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal energy is heat (“thermal”) derived from the earth (“geo”). It is the thermal energy contained in the rock and fluids, that fill the fractures and pores in the rocks that form the earth’s crust.

How is electricity produced from geothermal energy?

At a geothermal power plant, wells are drilled 1.5-3 km into the earth to pump steam or hot water to the surface. You’re most likely to find one of these power plants in an area that has a lot of hot springs, geysers, or volcanic activity, because these are places where the Earth is particularly hot just below the surface.

  • Hot water is pumped from deep underground through a well under high pressure.
  • When the water reaches the surface, the pressure is dropped, which causes the water to turn into steam.
  • The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity.
  • The steam cools off in a cooling tower and condenses back to water.
  • The cooled water is pumped back into the Earth to begin the process again.

Why is geothermal energy “environmentally friendly”?

Unlike coal fired and natural gas fired power generation plants, the state of the art geothermal binary cycle plant produces virtually no emissions. When compared to natural gas, a 100 MW geothermal power generator offsets 190,000 pounds of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide per year. Additionally, it eliminates 780 million pounds of CO2 emissions. The reduction in emissions, when compared to coal fired plants, is even greater.

Why is geothermal considered a renewable energy resource?

All types of geothermal energy are renewable as long as the rate of heat extraction does not exceed the rate at which the thermal reservoir it depends upon is renewed by heat from the earth’s magna. Geothermal reservoirs that tap the earth’s heat for energy production typically have 30 to 50 year life as the plant’s equipment wears out. Indeed, the world’s first geothermal power plant at Larderello, Italy was commissioned in 1913 and is still producing. The Geysers, California facility has been in production since the early 1960s.

Geothermal Energy, is that something new, has it been tested?

The first geothermal electric power plant was built by an Italian scientist in 1904. It has been used for over 100yrs. Currently 24 countries all over the world produce over 14,000MW of Geothermal Electricity.

What is the main advantage of geothermal over other renewable forms of energy?

Geothermal is available 24hrs a day, everyday of the year, unlike other renewables like wind  only when the wind blows, and solar only in the day.

When completed, how much energy will the project be producing.

The plan is to build a 7MW power plant that will supply power to the country.

Which country produces the most Geothermal Electricity?

Currently the United States of America produces the most Geothermal Electricity. In 2017 they were already producing over 3,500MW of Geothermal Electricity.

Does technology exist to extend reservoir life?

Yes, in particular with binary plants since the water produced from the fracture system can be re-injected back into the fracture system and reheated by the source rock

Will the hot Spas be affected by the geothermal Project in the Roseau Valley?

No. The Spas in the Roseau Valley are fed by surface manifestations, the power plant will be fed from wells which have already been drilled far below the surface. The last well was drilled and tested in 2013/2014…..the Spas are still operational.

Will the project create jobs in the Roseau Valley?

Yes, during the construction of the plant when local labour will be required. During plant operation the expectation is that skilled labour both local and ex-pat will be utilised. Other economic activity surrounding the housing, food, transport will be generated during construction.
Contact Us Today

Address: P.O.Box 1454, 18 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica


Phone: +1(767) 448-6178 /79

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8:00 AM – 4:30 PM


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ESIA: Non-Technical Summary

Non-Technical Summary (NTS) provides an overview, in plain language, of the main findings of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

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