Our Publications

Helping Raise Awareness

DGDC's is Dedicated to Publishing Research-Backed
Information to all Stakeholders

Publishing is an important way of presenting and sharing the results of research in the development activities at the Dominica Geothermal Project. Our Publications contribute to the scientific and professional knowledgebase.

  • Placeholder
  • v1.0

    Environmental and Social Action Plan

    The Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) is a tool used by the DGDC to ensure that any outstanding issues at the time of the projects approval are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.


    Resettlement Action Plan (Updated)

    Appendix B in the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been updated.

    • Feb 16th, 2022
    • 2.91 MB

    ESIA Addendum Report

    This ESIA Addendum, prepared by Environmental Resources Management (ERM), reviews and combines the existing two ESIAs, provides punctual updates of gaps identified in the existing ESIAs and mitigation/ management plans, assesses the impacts of any additional Project modifications which have occurred recently (described in Section 3 of this document), and provides mitigation and management of those additional impacts (such as for the addition of a back-up production pad and well).

  • v1.0

    ESIA REPORT: Reinjection Well & Pipeline

    This component of the project involves the construction and operation of the well pad, the drilling of a geothermal reinjection well, and the construction and operation of a reinjection pipeline and road access. The ESIA addressed the impacts of these components on the social, economic and environmental aspects of the community of Laudat. The proposed length of the pipeline is approximately 1.2 kilometres. It is located on the south-western periphery of the village of Laudat. The pipeline will follow the same route as the pipe from the hydro-balancing tank for the hydropower plant and then diverting from the route to the reinjection well pad.

    • Jan 29th, 2021
    • 12.30 MB

    Stakeholder Engagement Plan

    The Stakeholder engagement is an essential part of the ESIA and project development process. It ensures that stakeholders, including Project-affected communities, are provided with timely and transparent information regarding the Project, and allows stakeholders to provide input on potential issues of concern relating to the Project.

    • Feb 17th, 2022
    • 852.23 KB

    COVID-19 Contingency Plan

    The COVID-19 Contingency Plan aims to establish good practices to be adopted by the Project with regards to the current new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, including minimum procedures and strategies that must be observed by DGDC, its subsidiaries and its employees. DGDC aims to develop its activities in safe conditions, especially concerning health and safety conditions, as well as preserving its jobs and activities.

    • Feb 17th, 2022
    • 616.49 KB
  • v1.0

    Occupational Health & Safety Manual

    In order to manage safety at a Site effectively, a management system needs to be introduced. One of DGDC aims is to seek continual improvement on safety performance at Site(s). For this reason, DGDC has adopted a health and safety management system based on the approach specified in ISO 14001: Environmental Management System - and ISO18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems standards.

    • Dec 7th, 2020
    • 12.54 MB
  • v2.0

    Disaster Risk and Emergency Management (DREM) Plan

    The DREM Plan is aimed at fostering a heightened attention to safety and security issues among the employees of the Company and preparing them to ensure adequate preparedness and response to various scenarios if natural hazards such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes impact the geothermal power plant. Hence, the purpose of the plan is to guide the resilience-building efforts of the DGDC throughout the pre-construction, construction, and operation & maintenance phases.

    • Dec 21st, 2021
    • 1.99 MB
  • v3.0

    ESIA Report: ALL Volumes

    The ESIA is structured into a Non-Technical Summary (NTS) and five Volumes. This ESIA has been prepared, in accordance with local legislation and international lending institution safeguards, to assess the environmental and social impacts and risks of the Dominica Geothermal Power Project Development located in the Roseau Valley, Dominica.

    • Oct 18th, 2018
    • 66.18 MB